Start and stop recording


Cutout lower part

No connection established yet

Button “Connect On / Off” at the bottom Press the links in the application.
Alternatively, the connection can also be activated via the menu (Connect online – Online).

If the connection can be established, the button is green and the running bar next to it displays the connection status.


Start recording

(Gray) Button “Start / Stop”.
Alternatively, the recording can also be started via the menu (online recording).

If the recording could be started, the button will turn green.

Note: If the connection has not yet been established, the connection is established automatically when the recording is started.


Started recording

Stop recording

(Green) Button “Start / Stop”.
Alternatively, the recording can also be stopped via the menu (online recording).

After the recording is stopped, the button turns gray.

Note: The connection to the PLC remains.


Close connection

(Green) Button “Connect On / Off” at the bottom Press the links in the application.
Alternatively, the connection can also be terminated via the menu (Connect Online – Online).

After the recording is stopped, the button turns gray.